What We’re Reading

It is now July. Because summer began for the staff of BMR in early May, July marks the last month of freedom from the restrictions of school, teaching, running a literary journal, etc. (In New Mexico it also marks hellishly hot days, lethargy, and searching out shade with a vengeance.) One of the best things about being a grad student, however, is the summer. Of course, we get more time to WRITE over the summer (what we thought we would be doing a lot more of during the year) and perhaps just as exciting, we get to READ whatever we want! Hooray!

A list of some of our favorite summer reads so far:

  • Our poetry editor, Lucy, has fallen in love with Brevity over the summer. She especially likes Old Habits.
  • Our managing editor, Christina, really enjoyed the Ploughshares Solo, Phoenix by Megan Mayhew Bergman.
  • Our nonfiction editor, Sarah, rediscovered her love and admiration for Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson. (We all are sort of having a love-fest with this one. Anne Carson is a genius.)
  • Our social media intern, Brianna, is reading Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker, though the jury is still out.
  • Our associate editor, Jill, has been devouring novels this summer. The highlight so far: Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple.

What’s been your favorite summer read?

