Make It Weird

Ruben Miranda-Juarez, BMR’s new Fiction Editor, introduces our new Non-Fiction Editor, Cyrus Stuvland Cyrus and I met through one of our courses at the University of New Mexico. In reflecting on our fledgling relationship, I thought about how grateful I… Continue Reading

How Mary Karr’s The Art of Memoir Changed the Way I Think About Writing

As a nonfiction writer, I oftentimes *dream* about my finished memoir, face-out in chain bookstores across the globe. Then I start thinking of the people who I’m writing into my work who will read said book, and I’m crushed by… Continue Reading

Debra Monroe Educates Us Unsentimentally

The allure of memoir is that it’s part voyeurism and part cheerleader. The reader is fascinated with the writer’s journey through the seemingly un-navigable; trusting, of course, that the events of the memoir are related fairly and accurately along the… Continue Reading

Summer Suggestions: Memoir Turned Graphic Novel

Illustrations and narrative: the perfect reading combo beside the pool or under a shade tree during the lazy days of summer. We enjoyed them when we were kids (who doesn’t still love Dr. Seuss?), and the graphic novel is the… Continue Reading

Spring Break Reading List

Daylight savings came hand-in-hand with spring break here at UNM, and spring break means all the time we want for reading and writing (or at least that’s what we imagine before it arrives). We’ll be using the extra evening light… Continue Reading